For this, it's a bit fiddly at first to get the pieces sewn together. My advice is to take this quilt one row at a time. There are 8 rows.
Because of the Half Square Triangles (HSTs), I press my seams open to reduce bulk, but you can certainly press to the dark side.


Step 1 - Sew:
Blue HST to Background HST
Dark Purple HST to Background HST
Light Purple HST to Background HST
Pink/Rose HST to Background HST
Background Square to Background Square
Background Square to Background Square
Once all the HSTs are sewn together and the background squares are sewn to each other, press the seams open (or to the dark side - it's your preference). Pin together and set aside. Label this section Row 1.
Row 2:
Step 1 - Sew:
Background Square (don't stitch to anything)
Light Green HST to Dark Green HST
Dark Green HST to Blue HST
Dark Purple HST to Background HST
Pink/Rose HST to Dark Red HST
Dark Red HST to Red HST
Background Square (don't stitch to anything)
Once all the HSTs are sewn together and the background squares are sewn to each other, press the seams open (or to the dark side - it's your preference). Pin together and set aside. Label this section Row 2.
Row 3:
Step 1 - Sew:
Background HST to Teal HST
Teal HST to Dark Green HST
Background Square (don't stitch to anything)
Blue HST to Background HST
Pink/Rose HST to Background HST
Black Square (don't stitch to anything)
Red HST to Orange HST
Orange HST to Background HST
Once all the HSTs are sewn together and the background squares are sewn to each other, press the seams open (or to the dark side - it's your preference). Pin together and set aside. Label this section Row 3.
Row 4:
Step 1 - Sew:
Background HST to Yellow HST
Yellow HST to Background HST
Background HST to Dark Green HST
Dark Green HST to Blue HST
Pink/Rose HST to Orange HST
Orange HST to Background HST
Background HST to Tan HST
Tan HST to Background HST
Once all the HSTs are sewn together and the background squares are sewn to each other, press the seams open (or to the dark side - it's your preference). Pin together and set aside. Label this section Row 4.
Row 5:
Step 1 - Sew:
Background HST to Tan HST
Tan HST to Background HST
Background HST to Orange HST
Orange HST to Pink/Rose HST
Blue HST to Dark Green HST
Dark Green to Background HST
Background HST to Yellow HST
Yellow HST to Background HST
Once all the HSTs are sewn together and the background squares are sewn to each other, press the seams open (or to the dark side - it's your preference). Pin together and set aside. Label this section Row 5.
Row 6:
Step 1 - Sew:
Background HST to Orange HST
Orange HST to Red HST
Background Square (don't stitch to anything)
Pink/Rose HST to Background HST
Background HST to Blue HST
Background Square (don't stitch to anything)
Dark Green HST to Light Green HST
Light Green HST to Background HST
Once all the HSTs are sewn together and the background squares are sewn to each other, press the seams open (or to the dark side - it's your preference). Pin together and set aside. Label this section Row 6.
Row 7:
Step 1 - Sew:
Background Square (don't stitch to anything)
Red HST to Dark Red HST
Dark Red HST to Pink/Rose HST
Light Purple HST to Background HST
Background HST to Dark Purple HST
Blue HST to Teal HST
Teal HST to Dark Green HST
Background Square (don't stitch to anything)
Once all the HSTs are sewn together and the background squares are sewn to each other, press the seams open (or to the dark side - it's your preference). Pin together and set aside. Label this section Row 7.
Row 8:
Step 1 - Sew:
Background Square to Background Square
Pink/Rose HST to Background HST
Background HST to Light Purple HST
Dark Purple HST to Background HST
Background HST to Blue HST
Background Square to Background Square
Once all the HSTs are sewn together and the background squares are sewn to each other, press the seams open (or to the dark side - it's your preference). Pin together and set aside. Label this section Row 8.
Coming up next - how to sew each row together.
Previous - Cutting Instructions
Beginning of the Sew Along - Fabrics Needed
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