Argh, I'm a Pirate:

Truer Colors on Argh, I'm a Pirate:

This is the binding and backing of Argh, I'm a Pirate.
My bindings take me a while to do since I only hand stitch them to the back. I try to get at least 7-10 stitches per inch for binding, just to make sure that it won't come out easily.

The Quilting on the Back of Argh, I'm a Pirate:

This is the Pirate Table Topper 2. Somehow I don't have a good picture of the finished one, but I'll get a good one before Tuesday when I send the girl her 2 table toppers, pincushion and coasters.

This is the Pincushion that started it all. The woman saw it and said, "I love pirates" so it's now hers, and so are the two pirate table toppers.

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